Stephanie Chaloupsky first Platinum Super Ambassador III
from ROOT in Austria

As Austria's first Platinum Ambassador, Stephanie Chaloupsky has now reached another milestone at ROOT. As the first Platinum Super Ambassador III in Austria.

Austria's number 1 at ROOT was honored on stage at the event in Salzburg for a special reason.

Dress from the company founder as a gift and recognition of the achievement

CEO Clayton Thomas was the only ROOT partner to invite Stephanie Chaloupsky onto the stage at the June event in Salzburg.
The reason: A contest was held in May in which partners with the Ambassador rank were asked to increase their sales by 10 percent.

Stephanie doubled her sales and was presented with a special gift in recognition of this achievement. She was allowed to wear the dress that ROOT initiator Dr. Christina Rahm wore that evening and that came from her own clothing line.

70 first lines became a team of 1,000 partners

ROOT has never seen a doubling of sales of this amount in just one month and so Stephanie Chaloupsky has helped write a piece of company history. But she has that anyway, because she is at the top in Austria.

Launched at THE ROOT BRANDS in January 2022, the 70 sponsored first lines have developed into a team of almost 1,000 sales partners. And the avalanche rolls on. When she saw other ROOT partners reaching new career levels online, she gave the company and the products a chance and herself the “go”.

ROOT products make it easy to get others excited about them

“A network where there are really unique products that help people convinced me,” says Stephanie Chaloupsky and adds: “I have always paid attention to my body, cleansed it and taken nutritional supplements. At first I couldn't believe that it would be so easy with the ROOT products." She started her business at an extraordinary time. At the beginning of 2022, many people only became aware of how important it is to take care of yourself and your body . The ROOT products made it easy for Stephanie to get others excited about them and about the business.

Diamond Ambassador title in sight

As consistent as Stephanie Chaloupsky is in her ROOT business, she is also consistent in her life. “I’m actually a secretary and have been working at the same company for 9 years,” she says. After the birth of her son 5 years ago, she decided to take a part-time job. She gained her first networking experience at a cosmetics distributor. She would never have dared to dream of her success with ROOT, but she already has her sights set on the next stage of her career: the Diamond Ambassador title. Thanks to their motivated team and satisfied customers, this title is within reach. “I would also like to thank my husband, who has always supported me. Without him this wouldn’t have been possible.” (sto.)